The American Pavilion offers rare opportunities for students and emerging filmmakers at Cannes. We have held programs in the Roger Ebert Conference Center there. This contest could be your ticket to the festival.

The Cannes Film Festival's American Pavilion is holding a Cannes Video Contest for both alumni of its program and those interested in participating in it for the first time. The contest invites alumni to make an Instagram reel detailing how their experience with the program influenced their lives and careers, while those who haven't yet participated in the Pavilion program can discuss how their time in Cannes could impact them in a meaningful way. The Instagram videos will be judged on their creativity and can take any form that the participant desires (video testimonial, slideshow with voice-over, etc.).
One winner will receive full tuition for The American Pavilion 2024 Cannes Student Program including housing, daily breakfast, ground transportation, festival accreditation, and more (see full details here). The prize does not include travel to and from France and any meals besides breakfast. The winner may choose another AmPav program instead of Cannes as set forth in the Terms and Conditions. The contest is running now through Saturday, December 23rd, and each contestant's reel must be posted no later than 11:59pm PT on that date to be eligible. The winner will be alerted via email on Wednesday, December 27th.

Contestants must post their video as an Instagram reel (with a maximum running time of 90 seconds), they must follow @americanpavilion and tag that handle in their post, while using the following required hashtags in their caption: #AmPav #Cannes2024 #CannesFilmFestival. Participants' Instagram accounts must be public through the entire judging period, and they may each submit more than one reel during the entry period. Both US and non-US residents who will be at least 18 years of age by the start of the program may enter.
To read the full contest rules, click here.
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